We are pleased to announce a new addition to ISBBB 2018: Thematic Break-out Panel Sessions!
Distinguished speakers will be joining the Thematic Break-out Panels to give relevant talks of their experience in industry, academia, and government.
Wood Plastic Composites (WPC): North America, Europe and China Perspective: This panel will consist of four experts from global WPC researchers and related industries. They will present and discuss the challenges associated with Quality and Marketing of WPC products for diverse applications, potential trading remedies for global import and export markets, and future growth opportunities in decking, siding and beyond.
Circular Economy Towards Innovation in Industries: Four industry experts will provide the outlooks of their respective companies on how they are working towards a Circular Economy. This panel will present and discuss the innovations of their company’s products and how it helps to improve the sustainability of materials including plastics and fuels.
For more information, visit the Thematic Break-out Panel page.