Pierre Carreau is Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. He is internationally recognized for his scientific contributions in Polymer Processing and Rheology, area in which he has published more than 250 scientific papers in journals and authored or co-authored two books. He has received many awards and distinctions. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and of the Royal Society of Canada. He received in 2007 the Society of Plastics Engineers’ Research Award and in 2009 the RS Jane Lecture Award (prime award) of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering for his outstanding contributions to the field. He has received in December 2007 a Doctorate Honoris Causa from l’École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (France). He has a vast experience in the management of research and university affairs: he was Director of the Chemical Engineering Department of Ecole Polytechnique for 6 years, from 1973 to 1978; Editor of the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering from 1996 to 2006; member of the Administration Board of Ecole Polytechnique from 1996 to 2000 and from 2002 to 2006. He was the founder of the Center for Applied Research on Polymers (CRASP), which merges in 2002 with other centers to become CREPEC, Research Center for High Performance Polymer and Composites Systems and Composites. CREPEC regroups over 50 professors and governmental investigators in Quebec, working on polymers and composites. He has trained some 50 master’s students and 48 Ph.D. students.